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Ms Caron Lee
Tricor Hong Kong


Ms Caron Lee is a Director of Corporate Services at Tricor.

Ms Lee has over 20 years of experience in the corporate secretarial field. She is currently the company secretary / joint company secretary of five Hong Kong listed issuers.

Ms Lee is a Chartered Secretary and a Fellow of both The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries (HKICS) and The Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA) in the United Kingdom. She is a holder of the Practitioner’s Endorsement from HKICS. Ms Lee holds an Honours Bachelor’s degree in Accountancy from City Polytechnic of Hong Kong (now City University of Hong Kong).

Prior to joining Tricor, Ms Lee was a Manager of Company Secretarial Services with Ernst & Young / Tengis Limited in Hong Kong.


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