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Professor Say H Goo
Professor of Law
The University of Hong Kong


Professor Say H Goo is Professor of Law at The University of Hong Kong, Director of Asian Institute of International Financial Law (AIIFL) and Deputy Director of Ronald Coase Centre for Property Rights Research (RCCPRR).

He is also Honorary Visiting Professor at University of Exeter, Co-Principal Investigator of RGC research grant project on Enhancing Hong Kong as an International Financial Centre, member of the Standing Committee on Company Law Reform, member of the International Advisory Board of the Centre for Corporate Law and Securities Regulation in Melbourne, editorial member of leading international journals and reviewer for well-known publishers and journals. He has visited Harvard and Cambridge Universities and spoken at UN, UNCITRAL, APEC and Insol Conferences.

Professor Goo is a graduate of University of Leicester (LLB) and University of East Anglia (LLM).


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